Parking Regulations for Hanover Crescent Enclosure
Issue 4: 1st June 2023
The Committee of Management of Hanover Crescent Enclosure maintains these regulations to ensure that parking for all residents and visitors is applied consistently and fairly.
Parking in Hanover Crescent is permitted for vehicles fully and clearly displaying either a valid Resident Permit or valid Visitor Permit and parked fully within the confines of a marked bay.
Please note that Resident Permits and Visitor Permits merely entitle the holder to a parking place if one is available. If there is not a parking space vacant, then the resident or visitor must park outside of the Crescent.
The day-to-day management of the parking has been delegated to a parking management company, One Parking Solutions, through an “arm’s length” contract. The company notices located in the Crescent set out the terms and conditions and possible penalties of parking without displaying a valid permit. The parking management company can levy fines (Parking Charge Notice – “PCN”) against the registered keepers of vehicles parked that do not comply with these regulations. The Committee receives no share of the proceeds from the PCNs nor can it intervene once a PCN has been issued.
A resident or owner/freeholder whose financial contributions to the Crescent are substantially in arrears will not be issued with new Resident Permits and existing Visitor Permits may be suspended. This will also apply to permits held by a renter where their landlord is in arrears.
Allocation of Resident Permits
The committee first established a Basic Criterion for the issue of Resident Parking Permits in 2006. In this edition there is a change to the Basic Criterion to make a special arrangement for House No 23/24.
Each of the houses numbered 1 to 22 is assigned up to two Resident Parking Permits.
House number 23/24 is assigned a combined six Resident Parking Permits.
Each Lodge is assigned one Resident Parking Permit.
This totals 52 permits and the maximum number of parking spaces available is currently 48.
The special arrangement for House number 23/24 will be reviewed whenever a resident with a Permit moves out of the Crescent. The Committee may reduce the total number of Permits for House number 23/24 if there is a shortage of parking spaces although the number assigned will never be less than four.
Permits are issued for up to twelve months from 1st July to 30th June each year and are for a specific vehicle registration number. Residents will be required to pay a small fee for the cost of the Permit and may be asked to prove ownership of the vehicle by providing a copy of the registration – V5C – or similar document. A resident or owner whose financial contributions to the Crescent are substantially in arrears will not be issued with a Resident Permit. It is each resident’s responsibility to apply to the Committee for a new Permit, either with a change of vehicle or as the result of a property occupancy change and a charge will apply for all new Permits issued.
Resident Permit Display
Resident Permits should be affixed inside the front or rear window or otherwise prominently displayed. The registration number and date of expiry on the Permit must be clearly visible from outside the vehicle and not obscured in any way or displayed behind tinted glass.
Visitor Permits
One resident from each separate dwelling i.e. house or flat within an original house, occupied an a long term basis, may also apply for one Visitor Permit. Proof of residency may be required and residents will pay a small fee for the cost of the Permit. Each Visitor Permit will display the House/Flat number of the resident. When used, it should be displayed prominently in the visiting vehicle with the Permit Number clearly visible.
Residents are expected to use the Visitor Permit solely for its intended use i.e. to facilitate the parking of a vehicle of a visiting tradesman, a visiting friend/relative, use of a courtesy car, etc for a short period measured in days rather than weeks.
• A Visitor Parking Permit is not to be used to facilitate the parking of a vehicle or extra vehicle owned, hired or rented by the resident.
• A Visitor Parking Permit is not to be used for direct or indirect commercial gain including short term holiday lets such as AirBnB.
Abuse of a Visitor Permit will risk it being invalidated and withdrawn and the offending vehicle issued with a PCN. Visitor Permits may be ‘loaned’ to neighbours for short periods of time but the care and use of the Visitor Permit will remain the responsibility of the resident to whom it was originally issued.
The Resident/Vehicle Permit Register
The Committee will maintain a master vehicle/resident register. It is the responsibility of each resident to advise the Committee of any changes to residency and vehicle details.
Resident Permits are not transferable
A Resident Permit is not transferable as each has the specific registration number of the resident’s vehicle and a Permit is not valid if the registration number does not match the Permit. Residents are not allowed to apply for a Resident Permit on behalf of another resident.
Limiting of permits
A new resident may apply to the Committee for Resident Permit(s), which will be issued in accordance with the Basic Criterion which allocates not more than two resident permits for each numbered property, with the exception of 23/24 with, up to, a combined 6 RP’s.
No individual dwelling in properties that are configured as 3 or more separate dwellings (Numbers 8/9, 14, 15, 19, and 23/24), may benefit from more than one Resident Permit.
The Committee will issue Permits in line with the Basic Criterion but will use its discretion to ensure transparency and fairness to all residents.
• Owners of freehold or leasehold properties who are not resident in the Crescent do not qualify for either Resident or Visitor Permits.
Qualifying Vehicles
All residents’ vehicles are required to be roadworthy i.e. taxed, insured and having a valid MOT, as appropriate.
• A vehicle with the status of SORN (Statutory Off Road Notice) will not qualify for a Resident Permit.
Motorcycles and Scooters
Motorcycles and Scooters of residents and visitors must be parked in the space that is marked ‘Motorcycles’. They must not obstruct cars from parking in the marked car spaces. They do not require permits but owners should provide registration details to be listed on the Crescent vehicle register. Cars
are not permitted to park in the marked motorcycle spaces and risk being issued with a PCN if they do.
• Caravans and motor-homes are prohibited from parking in the Crescent at any time.
Large vans and other large vehicles
Large vans and other commercial vehicles are prohibited from parking in the Crescent. The description ‘large’ should be taken to mean vehicles which are too long and/or too wide in terms of the marked parking bays so that drivers of vehicles adjacently parked on either side would have an access problem, or the vehicle is of such a length as to prevent residents’ or other vehicles passing along the Crescent without recourse to mounting the pavement or kerbstones. This applies to residents as well as tradesmen and visitors. In line with BHCC guidelines all vehicles should be less than 5.2m long, 2.25m high and weigh less than 2540kg.
Unloading/deliveries/utility companies and pavement parking
• Parking on the pavement is not allowed.
The unloading of shopping and delivery of tradesmen’s materials should be from a marked space. In cases of large/exceptional items it is acknowledged that unloading from the kerbside may be necessary but the time to unload must be minimised and done to allow the through passage of other vehicles. For household removals every effort should be made to arrange for the temporary vacation of nearby spaces so as to allow the removal company vehicle(s) to park and still allow the passage of vehicles through the Crescent.
Driving on the Kerb/Pavement and Speed
Where possible driving on the kerb and pavement should be minimised. One of the aims of the parking arrangements is to ensure that the pavement is for pedestrians and the road is for vehicles.
• Vehicles should be driven at a maximum speed of 5mph, so as not to endanger others. Consideration for others and safety (including the clear access for emergency vehicles) is required. Persistent transgressors will place their Crescent parking privileges at risk.
Failure to clearly display
Failure to clearly display either the relevant Resident or Visitor Permit with either the registration number or Permit Number, respectively, clearly visible can result in the offending vehicle being issued with a PCN.
Permit replacement
The Committee will issue a new Permit at the appropriate charge in the event of the loss, or damage beyond use, of permits. Frequent loss of a Visitor Permit in a 12 month period may, at the Committee’s discretion, cause the resident to lose their ‘right’ to a Permit. If a new Permit is issued and the original Permit is subsequently found it should be returned to the Committee.
Permit renewal
Resident Permits will be issued annually. When residents change their vehicle(s) they should complete a vehicle change form available from Failure to properly register a change of vehicle may result in the vehicle being issued with a PCN.
Validity of Permits
Only an official, original and properly displayed Resident or Visitor Permit will prevent a PCN being issued. Copies of the originals are not valid and are not allowed. All visiting vehicles except emergency response vehicles such as Police, Fire and Ambulance must use a Visitor Permit or risk being issued with a PCN.
Change of Resident
It is the responsibility of the outgoing resident to return all Permits to a Committee member when they leave the Crescent. The new resident should apply to the Committee for new permits as appropriate.
Parking of Skips
A skip used by a Resident may be located in the Crescent provided it occupies no more that a single parking space. At least 3 days prior to arrival a written notice should be sent to The charge for the suspension of a parking space is £10/day.